These are exercises that will increase this to you, but make you stronger.Therefore, we must exercise the chest muscles that are based the breasts, but it is necessary to strengthen the back muscles, so they stay flat, then your handsand arms.
You must make at least two months daily exercises to get results, and after this period is sufficient to exercise twice a week to maintain the same level.
Use the weights of one or two kilograms. Gradually lengthen the time of exercise and reduce the pauses between series: early vacation leave Be after 15 secondsonly when necessary to get deep breath. First, see the regularity of movement,cannot have chest muscles too tendosni too slow nor too fast, so I don't.
Start with five sets of five movements, then add 10 series of eight, ten or moremoves. Pain should always be in the right position. Inhale during load, catch your breath during unloading.
1. Sit on your knees and hands, that put a little more than the width of the wings,while later Palms from inside. Back should be flat. Pull the belly. Lakojini handselbows issuers chest towards the floor, then return to the starting position
2. Shtrijuni your back, bend your legs and take by the hand by a small weight.Your hands should be extended, while tight belly. Then raise their hands and then let down towards the floor as you can while not moving away. Return your handsto the starting position. This exercise is easier done in the Bank.

3. spine, legs and belly are withdrawing from nodes crucify feet. Take the weightsin your hand and the Palm trees bend until you reach the level of the chest (noton par with the beard, so as not to damage the neck muscles). Hands upwards,hold in that position and then leave the starting position. This exercise is easierdone in the Bank
2. Shtrijuni your back, bend your legs and take by the hand by a small weight.Your hands should be extended, while tight belly. Then raise their hands and then let down towards the floor as you can while not moving away. Return your handsto the starting position. This exercise is easier done in the Bank.

3. spine, legs and belly are withdrawing from nodes crucify feet. Take the weightsin your hand and the Palm trees bend until you reach the level of the chest (noton par with the beard, so as not to damage the neck muscles). Hands upwards,hold in that position and then leave the starting position. This exercise is easierdone in the Bank
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