Celami doctor: common gynecological diseases and treated

"Common gynecological diseases and treated"

Interview: Sidorela Rabbit

Visits to the gynecologist until a few years ago it was considered taboo forAlbanian women. Despite this mentality that continues today, doctor,obstetrician and gynecologist, Rustem Celami says that the situation has changed positively. In an interview for "Koha Jone", talks about the benefits offrequent diseases control that could endanger women. In addition, Celami talksand a new phenomenon, that of taking medication or "consultation" ofinformation on the Internet. According to him, this method results in inefficient and often with serious consequences for health. To always consult specializedmedical examinations. Speaks and for some major gynecological diseases and treat them like they should.

From your experience and what you may have noticed, there is still complex tobe executed soon for gynecologist in our society?

In General, it should be noted that our country lacks medical culture. By this I mean that it lacks the culture of visiting the doctor regularly, so do a medical examination by a doctor, without any particular health problems, but simply tomake a periodic assessment of the health situation in General.
This medical examination shall be carried out usually the family physician every six months or a year. During this visit a health assessment and this visit is integrated with the most important additional examinations by creating a more solid professional opinion on the overall situation, or any specific problems can be diagnosed or previously diagnosed and is being kept in observation. In our country, we theoretically divided into an ideal health care system; medicalsystem of primary, secondary, and tertiary/University, but that doesn't work in harmony and effectively in reality. The primary medical system in this case is thefamily doctor system, secondary or regional correspondent district and tertiaryhospital/University are specialized hospitals for diagnosis more difficult andcomplicated, so as to make medical treatments the most advanced in our country public hospitals in Tirana. Tirana has no special hospital for his people,but the population of this city tertiary hospitals/University uses as the UniversityHospital Center, Maternity Hospital, Trauma Tirana Sanatorium Hospital.
As for routine visits to the gynecologist, in countries with developed medicinethis occurs periodically and very natural way, while in our country for the sake of the truth of these medical examinations did not occur in this form. Female population in our country, almost all directed by visit or consultation at thegynecologist only when they have a specific medical problem Gynecology.

Can you tell us, the relationships have changed compared to previous years?

For the love of the truth you have to admit that there is a positive changecompared to the years before 1990, this information is not personal for mebecause I'm young doctor, but is given by my professors and colleagues whohave worked before 1990 So routine visits the gynecologist, where the femalewants to know the State of health without reproductive organs pathologyproblems or health are added after 1990. However, these visits are very lowcompared with Western countries. In addition, it should be noted that since1990 there have been changes not only in the perception of the doctor-patient relationship, but also the evolution of medicine itself as disease prevention,epidemic passes early diagnosis and proper treatment, the application of technology in medicine, etc.

Information technology and access to information from the Gross population as a whole and for various diseases, in particular, has changed compared to 1990unthinkable information gross Professional via the Internet also has its own riskthat some women experience several purely professional treatments from information they find online, and very often create damage to , before consulting a doctor.

Usually, they go to the gynecologist whenever you have any specific concerns or just for advice?

Unfortunately, women in our country are almost all just when they haveproblems or specific concerns. Generally not seen mass tends to have a visit to the gynecologist, as periodic routine, to become the next Pope, or tests to assessaround the time of menopause, etc.
Frequent visits during pregnancy Pursue women pregnancy, if this is not done in a well organized because unfortunately counselling before pregnancy hererather negligible. But the primary medical system, secondary and tertiary systemsaying that the recommendations

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