What happens to our body when we do Yoga and which differs from other disciplines?

Through discovery lost tranquility, harmonythe energy of Yoga and feel much better. There is only but is spiritual Fitness Fitness.
Yoga maintains balance in our triple structure, mind-body-spirit. Power feeds onthese three. Energy, which is then used in everyday life.
Yoga works with your body and mind, from inside and outside at the same time,while other disciplines work more difficult. With Yoga-n, before you feel a fit body, you feel an inner strength and energy. No matter the genre, for men and women is the same.
It is difficult to do yoga?
Is not as simple as it may seem. Although the positions seem to be simple,should resistance. However, it is not at all difficult if practiced regularly andbecomes a way of life. In practice, everything becomes clearer and easier. There is no sport that does not exaggerate, but energy and wellness that gets past anytiredness. However, we must make it clear that there are many types and stylesof yoga.
For people who practice yoga on a regular basis becomes a way of life, very important to keep fit, strong and harmonious.

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