Health Insurance

Below is a summary of benefits payable under the policy of private health insurance. For a complete description of benefits and the conditions of the policy, please consult the text of the Bill.

The benefits must be reasonable, and pay only for the treatments carried out in Kosovo.

Treatment of patients hospitalized
If the recipient has received assistance in a hospital in medical cases as a privatepatient fee, then the company will pay these costs:

Hotels, nursing, drugs

Accommodation expenses of a parent with a child under 14 years

The use of medicines and surgical room, intensive care unit, diagnostic procedures, including Pathology and Radiology:
Maximum 5 nights from € 10 (€ 250 per event)

€ 10 per night up to a maximum of 5 nights

The main operations of € 500,00

Secondary operations € 300,00

Small operations 150,00 €

Special payments lying patient
If the recipient has received assistance in a hospital in medical cases as a privatepatient fee, then the company will pay these costs:

Fees for surgeons, anesthesiologists and other medical examinations:
The main operations of € 200.00

Secondary operations € 150,00

Small operations 100,00 €

Treat patients out of the hospital
If the recipient is receiving medical assistance only in the event of hospitalizationfor an event, then the company will pay these costs:

Expenses for specialist consultations, diagnostic procedures, including Pathologyand radiology, computed tomography, surgical tips:
Maximum € 600,00 (30 days before and 30 days after hospitalization)
If the recipient has received medical assistance in case of a single event withouthospitalization, then the company will pay these costs:

Expenses for consulting specialists, physical therapy, pathology, radiology, ECG

Costs specialist in Oncology, radiotherapy and Chemoterapi
Maximum € 500,00

Maximum 2 treatments per year, a $ 3,000 .00 for each complete treatment.

Nursing Care
Care by a professional/nurses and following surgery, and if requested by a specialist
€ 50,00 per week, maximum 3 (three) weeks.

Private ambulance
If you need a private ambulance (provided that a doctor has recommended thatbased on medical reasons)
Maximum $ 300.00 per year.

Daily allowance

If you had a treatment in hospital for health reasons, as patients exempt from paying, the company will pay for:

30 nights before
30 nights
During the day (with the surgeon)

€ 10,00 per night
€ 15,00 per night
€ 20,00 per day/treatment.

The maximum amount of financial assistance granted for the policy period is $ 12,600

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