If your desire is to lose weight, then you are not alone. Although there are several ways to remove kilograms, rapid weight loss can be dangerous to know. Announced diets, dietary fiber, steps or do not eat at along various health complications cause. However, if you are healthy and also decided to remove weight quickly, here are some techniques and tips that have reached again with your short-term goals.
The main objective of most diets is to promote quick losses kilograms. These diets are short term solutions; If you practice these diets more days, you can cause serious damage to the body. Always consult a doctor before starting any weight loss program. Here are some popular diets with simple instructions that result in weight loss in the short term.
1. Diet with water. This diet includes cold drinking water in amounts up to 2 liters at regular intervals.

Drink a glass of water before each meal in order to remove your appetite making you feel full.
Do not add other sweetening matter or flavored water.
Do not replace meals with water.
Take multivitamin daily, in order to replace nutritional values lose more frequent urination after you drink more water.

2. Detox diet with fruit juices. Although there are different variations of detoxification with juices, many cases lasting from one to three days.
Fruit juice consumed to cleanse the body of toxins and eliminate the amount of water mainly from the body system.
Only fruit or vegetable juice can be consumed for this type of diet.
Some variants of this diet include taking vitamins or nutritional values only with juices, while others allow only one meal a day.

3. total Cleansing diet, or syrup lemonade diet. This diet is marked only with liquids.
Since the lemonade diet-
Drink 6-12 glasses of lemonade mix, red pepper, water and syrup every day.
This diet should be practiced only for weight loss in the short term, and its aim is detoxification.
Discretion can also join the salt water on this diet.
Since with-cabbage soup diet
This includes eating foods with low fat and more fiber.
Primarily to drink cabbage soup, but also able to eat small servings of fruits and vegetables, the cases of rice and meat at least 4 cups of water and a multivitamin every day.
The diet lasts 7 days is not recommended as a permanent solution for weight loss in the long run due to lack of nutritional value, which does not consume this day.
salt-free diets
In this diet you cannot use salt in your meals in any form.
You need to prepare food without salt at home and avoid meals away from home, including restaurants.
It is recommended that you drink water up to 2 liters per day. Green tea also preferably consumed en masse.
This diet should not last more than two weeks.
It is important to note that this diet is more effective in people that can contain water and more easily than others.
Treatments for weight loss
Since with sauna
Another easy way to weight loss treatments are specially designed for this job. Spata, saunas, or other specialized clinics for conversion to reduce inflated view, ngrehjen, skin or removing excess fluid from the body, are a good way to weight loss. These processes help to lose weight temporarily, but the results are immediate and do not include diet or exercise.
Wrap the body with minerals. Some minerals help to remove some inches waist, thighs and arms. This process also includes the body of detoksifikojnë minerals, reduce cellulite, etc.
Roll body heat. This is probably the most common type of spa treatments, designed to detoxify the body and stimulate the skin softness. Heat and massage therapy are the most common treatments for rapid weakening.
Go to the sauna. Saunas can cause weight loss in just 15 minutes on it.
It is advisable to drink several glasses of water to replace the fluids in the body to lose during saunës.
Keep in mind that the time in the sauna should be restricted and not more than 15-20 minutes a day.
People with heart problems should not use saunas, even children.
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