The water is heated with lemon – why should drink

The way you start the day is extremely important. If you are a mother, trainer, writer or owner of any business large or small, or even a teacher, what has become the first in the morning, is of great importance.

According to Ajuverdike philosophy, choices on your daily routine or to buildresistance to diseases or destroy it.

Ajuverda invites everyone to start the day focusing on morning rituals that workto put in line with the rhythms of nature, body and strengthen self-evaluationand self-discipline.

The mind can say that you need to check your email, do a tour with the children, who should not be late to work or who simply don't have the time to cultivateyour morning rituals.

But, if you can find time for just a ritual that will improve health, then let it bethis ...

Start your day with a glass of warm water and the juice of half a lemon. It is so simple that the benefits are too great to be ignored.

Go read the health benefits that we have listed below. [Wp-like-closet]

Hot water with lemon-health benefits
1. Strengthen your immunity
Lemon is rich in vitamin C and potassium. We all know that vitamin C is very good to fight colds and flu and Potash stimulates the functions of the brain and nerves and helps control blood pressure.

2. balances pH levels of s
In lemon believe is really a very alkaline food. Yes, they are acidic themselves, but in our body are alkaline (citric acid does not create acidity in the body after it is metabolized). As those who follow health show, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.

3. Helps with weight loss
Lemons are also rich in pectin fiber, which help fight the desire to eat (don't tell me "me eat something"). Also seen in several studies that people who maintain amore alkaline diet to lose weight quickly. And the other is that, when the day begins around is easier to make the right choices later in the day.

4. Digestive
Warm water serves to stimulate the peristalsis gastroinestinal tract e-waves ofmuscle contractions within the intestinal walls which serve to move things.Lemons and limes are also rich in vitamins and minerals and help in the releaseof Ama, toxins in the digestive tract.

5. Serves as a natural diuretic
Lime juice helps in the disposal of unwanted substances because lemon adds a diuretic, and so the toxins are released with a speed and a higher percentage ofso help urinary tract to be healthy.

6. clean Skin
Vitamin C helps to reduce wrinkles and signs. Water with lemon eliminates toxins from the blood and also helps to have clean skin.

7. lymphatic system Hidtraton
This Cup of kindness helps start day hydrated, which helps prevent dehydration and adrenal fatigue. When the body is dehydrated, or dehydrated deep (adrenalphlegm) capable of performing all of his functions, and this led to the meetingof poisons (toxins), stress, constipation, etc. The adrenal glands are two glandsabove the kidneys and, along with your thyroid generate energy. Releaseimportant hormones, notably aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone released by the adrenal glands that regulate water levels and concentration of minerals like sodium in the body, thus helping moisturized. He was also responsible foradrenal regulating the stress response. So I really don't have because they do not take seriously deep state of dehydration.

By adopting this practice only to drink hot water with lemon in the morning for a month can radically change your everyday experience. Don't be surprised if you get to see the morning in another context.

As we said, the recipe is very simple-a glass or a cup (not hot) with hot water and juice of half a lemon.

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