Health Insurance

Director of the Fund for mandatory Health security, Dr. Karuna Beci and her staff, received today at a meeting held in Tirana, the Agency's Director of health insurance, Dr. Qavdarbasha education and its staff. Thanked Dr. Akshay to support the first steps for the creation of Kosovo, which for the first time, will launch an actual refund of benefits in Kosovo.

At the bottom, the word of the Director-General of the health insurance fund, Dr. Karuna Beci

Allow me first to welcome the leaders of the local sickness insurance Fund of Kosovo, to begin with, a long road in cooperation concerning health insurance and care for the population.

Albania and Kosovo are experiencing a new dynamic in cooperation between our two countries after the joint statement signed by Rama and the Prime Minister, in January this year. Joint meeting of the two Governments in Prizren, with a tremendous symbolic, has opened a new avenue for the development of economic, social and cultural development in our two countries overall in all Albanians and define these two countries.

Concrete cooperation continued with a joint agreement between the Ministry of health of Albania and Kosovo, and after two meetings held in Pristina, I'm happy to continue the collaboration between our Instituciove here in Tirana, with a view to improving the daily lives of our citizens, the daily life in both our State, where there is no doubt that health is a major challenge.

We not only share the same language, we unify the "language doctor", where we believe that the operation will be successful.

Health insurance fund in Kosovo has only a couple of weeks that has been created, but has big ambitions and expectations for financing health alienated shëbrimeve in Kosovo, and, therefore, provide a better service to the population.

In the terminology and the new, and our fledgling Fund, but has 20 years of experience in the field of health.

We Marcegaglia together in new ways and new funding methodology for the efficient use of funds, for a quality service to the public.

Currently we have completed the first 10 Service Pack-which will be financed by the Fund and are received at no additional cost for patients in private clinics, if not respected, to meet the needs of our public hospitals.

Financing of health services through this new method is based on the real value and the needs of patients. For the first time to create a register of beneficiaries of spa packages and its management will be made from the Fund in collaboration with the University services. The Fund also monitor the quality of these packages, for more safety in the provision of health care to the population.

Cooperation between our two countries will fund focused on DRG payment in hospital-then pay for diagnosis, which will bring efficiency in the use of funds to suit your needs.
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