What might be some of the signs that indicate the beginning of pregnancy?
There are some signs that make women doubt for the start of the pregnancy.
Swelling of the breasts. Due to hormonal changes that cause theconception/fertilization, breasts become sensitive, painful and swollen. This may be the first sign that a woman feels, early in pregnancy.
Fatigue, drowsiness. Tiredness and drowsiness, are accompanying the beginningof pregnancy. This may be due to an increase in progesterone, as a result of fertilization.
Bleeding with small amounts. About when you expect will come aftermenstruation, vaginal bleeding observed in small amounts and sometimes evenin large quantities. The cause of bleeding, thought the results by theimplantation of the egg in the uterine wall. Sprinkle with a duration up to 2 days,should not worry because this woman can be seen as a sign of early pregnancy.When the bleeding is accompanied by pain, in most cases it was found that pregnancy is implanted outside the womb. Therefore, in case of bleeding,especially when there is the thought of early pregnancy, medical supervision is important.
Increased sensitivity to odors, or the feeling of vomiting. Increased sensitivity toodors or the feeling of vomiting, appear more frequently in the first pregnancy.Not excluded cases, these also show sensitivity to other rotating pregnancies.
Feeling of abdominal distention. Even the feeling of abdominal distention, isbecause of hormonal changes during pregnancy. Although it is almost the same feeling with a feeling before the arrival of menstruation, accompanied by other signs, may be due at the beginning of the pregnancy.
Frequent urination. During pregnancy, increases the amount of fluid in the bodyof the woman. Excess fluid and pressure that causes the uterus fshigzën urine, isone of the reasons for the request for removal of excess water.
Failure of menstruation when expected. In cases where you want a pregnancy,the first not to delay onset of menstruation, women do pregnancy test toconfirm it. This is true, the next failure of menses at the scheduled time, is one of the most significant signs of early pregnancy.
Increase in body temperature. Among the signs above, increasing suspicionsabout the beginning of the pregnancy and increase in body temperature over a period of about 20 days after fertilization. Must be regarded as important, whenthe temperature is constantly high levels relatively constant.
Positive pregnancy test. The presence of all signs referred to above are not enough markers to specify the beginning of the pregnancy. Pregnancy testsperformed about a week after the day when the arrival of the next menstrual period is more reliable for verifying readiness. Regardless of the outcome of thepregnancy, the woman should consult a gynecologist doctor to assess his health.
When should I do the first presentation to the doctor, to confirm the beginningof pregnancy?
Only the presence of a signal, in particular due to the interruption of menstrual bleeding, should drive a woman in consultation with doctor gynecologist. Whilepositive pregnancy test, the wife brings to the gynecologist to get exactconfirmation of early pregnancy and gynecological examinations visit important of which apply to have its normal performance.
Gynecological ultrasound examination for visit/ultrasound/sonogram, the doctor confirms pregnancy and estimate its age. Also pelvic examination, supervisesand evaluates the cervix and genital malformations exclude women. The physician assesses the vaginal secretions and possibly run taking biological material from the cervix to make laboratory analysis. Even doctor assesses bloodpressure/pressure. Measurement of body weight and dimensions ardhshme. Përmother make these checks and tests, your doctor can perform it manually visit.Here begins the special woman-doctor ratio, which should be based on mutual trust continued to childbirth.
Do the past history of a doctor, is one of the objectives of this visit. Also on its base, your doctor will know interpret gynecological visits and tours of the laboratory.
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