Strengthen your stomach and buttocks with these simple exercises

These exercises are designed to make stronger the buttocks, to shape the hips,to make them more powerful muscles of the stomach and back, and will help you get rid of tummy released.
About Humolli

In short, these exercises will eliminate problem areas that prevent that, once againto wear your tight fermerkat have always loved

The rapid strengthening of the body
These eight simple exercises, but would promote more effective dissolution offat in the body and will help to remove the layers of fat to critical areas. Do 2-3sets of this exercise program every two days during the week. Sforcojeni limitingcalorie expenditure between exercises and holidays set in 30 seconds.

By setting foot in a sitting position
Sit on the floor with legs outstretched, elbows behind the confidence, while Palm trees near the waist. (A) Keeping the bottom of the Backpack on the floor, tightenthe abdominal muscles and lift your legs to about 45 degrees. Spread fingers, shake your hips and feet "in the air" and 12 circles clockwise, and then 12 in the opposite direction to clockwise (b).
 Lift your legs alternative
Take weights in both hands and be with the right foot, raising his left leg a few centimetres behind (a). Keep your back flat, bend forward from the waist until your body is almost parallel to the floor, weights and hold hands in line wings.Return to starting position. It's a repeat, making 12, and do the same with the other leg.
 Active Kawitha
Stay with sole with little more than the width of his life, and go back to 45degrees. Kawitha Sit with your knees on the key (s). From that position the left legback a step to the left, but stay in place kawitha the middle. Make a cheese cutleg on the left side to put in starting position. And the same should be done, butthis time on the other (i.e. Do:. Step with your right foot to the right ...). Repeatthe exercise on both sides 10 times.
 Morning Bowing
Stand with your feet at a distance of the width of the arm, hand weights to keepthe wings level, with the palms facing forward (a). Keeping your knees slightly curved, while the body straight, slowly bend forward from the waist until the body is almost parallel to the floor (b). Stay for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. This is a repeat, are 8 to 10 of them.
Pitch Stability
Stand with your feet wide apart of ali with his hands sideways body. Lift the right knee to Hip is parallel to the floor and raise your hands above your head touchingthe palms (a). Remains 5 minutes, then slowly releasing right leg in (b). Afrojenileft foot to right starting position. This is a repeat. Make 10 to 12 alternative for any foot.
Step slide
Take the weights and bring them up to the waist and the right foot on the ladder.The upper part of the body slowly lean forward and take a step back with his left leg. The knee of his right leg is orthogonal position (a). From there, take a leftfoot to right foot on the ladder, but remain kawitha and stay just 5 seconds (b).Contact. This is a repeat. Repeat this exercise with the other leg and do 10 to 12reps with each leg.

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