Compulsory insurance

Who called independently employed? Independently employed individual is a man who carries on his movement and individual with customary pay from monetary action.

What is it and why would it be advisable for me to pay social commitments and wellbeing? Government disability commitments and wellbeing are obligatory installments to all financially dynamic persons, including the independently employed. Pay government managed savings commitments and wellbeing you are certain to profit by the privilege of government managed savings and wellbeing protection law.

What advantages for independently employed persons from installment of government managed savings commitments and wellbeing: With the interest in the arrangement of standardized savings and of wellbeing profited a wide range of benefits:

Essential seniority annuity;

Halfway retirement age;

Diminishing seniority annuity;


Incapacity annuity;

Halfway handicap annuity;

Social insurance and repayment of drugs.

Lawful premise on which commitments are paid social and wellbeing protection for the independently employed:

Law No. 7703 dated 11.05.1993 " On social protection in the Republic of Albania ", and resulting alterations;

Law No. 7870, dated 13.10.1994 "on wellbeing protection in the Republic of Albania", and ensuing revisions;

Act No. 9136 dated 11.09.2003 "on gathering of necessary commitments to government disability and wellbeing", and resulting alterations;

Law No. 7961, dated 12.07.1995 " Work Code of the Republic of Albania ", and ensuing revisions;

Choice No. 285, on 04.05.2007;

Choice n° 1251 dated 10.09.2008;

Choice n° 1114 on 30.07.2008 "On specific matters as per the law No. 7703 dated 11.05.1993 " On social protection in the Republic of Albania", as revised, no. 9136 dated 11.09.2003 "on accumulation of necessary commitments to government managed savings and health awareness in the Republic of Albania", as revised, and no. 7870, dated 13. 10.1994 "Wellbeing Protection in the Republic of Albania", as changed. (Download the full PDF)

I transformed it to:

Choice No. 1477 on 12.11.2008.

Choice No. 376 dated 08.04.2009;

Choice No. 700 on 18.06.2009;

Choice n° 1206 on 11.12.2009.

Choice No 477 dated 30.06.2010.

Choice n° 541, dated 27.07.2011.

Choice No 414 dated 27.06.2012.

Choice No. 581, dated 7/17/2013.

Choice No 73, dated 12/2/2014, which came into power after production in the official diary of the impacts spread from 1/1/2014.

Choice No. 457, dated 9/7/2014.

Direction of the Priest of money, no. 26, dated 16.04.2009, as altered.

"Executive" all normal and lawful persons utilizing other individuals with or without an agreement. What are the commitments as superintendent:

In backing of the work code, the executive is obliged to sign a job contract with the worker, full-time or part;

Executives must keep records for the time of work relations and the sums paid to every representative, full-time or part;

Consider every worker, full-time or low maintenance, beginning from the date of initiation of the work, as characterized in the vocation contract or letter of arrangement;

To do the figuring, the Statement and the installment of compulsory commitments to standardized savings and wellbeing, inside of as far as possible set down for every must be represented ç " pagë punëmarrës commitments. MBI and wellbeing protection for every representative:

The lowest pay permitted by law for the estimation of commitments and wellbeing from 8/1/2014, lek and pay is 19,406 month to month greatest is 97,030 Leke (determination No. 457, dated 9/7/2014). At the same time, the livelihood relationship, the executive is obliged to execute the fundamental least month to month pay, across the country, that the 07.01.2013 is 22000 (choice No. 573, dated 3/7/2013).

The installment of required commitments to government disability and wellbeing completed by the head honcho inside of the period recommended by law. Based installment archives are appended in the extension to this manual;

The manager has a legitimate commitment to compute, the Presentation and the installment of commitments on time and what is fundamental. Finance is an announcement of the subject, in which singular commitments are enlisted, and accordingly, in accordance with law No. 9920 on 19.05.2008 "duty hones in the Republic of Albania" citizens who don't plan charge presentation inside deserving of a fine of 10000, for every expense form not conveyed;

A boss who has not announced the assessment each recently enlisted with no less than 48 hours preceding the begin of work, aside from the commitment to pay the measure of the commit

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