Mandatory contributions to social security.

basic regulation on the collection of contributions required for
sigurimeveshoqerore carried out in accordance with law No. ³ for date
collection 9136 11.09.2003 tedetyrueshme of social security
contributions and health of RSH ' amended by law # 9329 dated
06.12.2004, 10070 law of 05.02.2009. Objekti
All income from wages.
Compulsory subjects:
All persons who earn income from wages and all employers wage fund gross neraport pay their employees.
All companies are subject to income tax or simplified tax on the result as all units, is non-profit and Government agencies in their role as employers and self-employed.
Obligations of persons who pay contributions
By law the employer (the authority) is responsible for maintaining employee contributions (employees) and the payment to the IRS, along with the contributions punedhenes. Person tyresi itself is responsible for the payment of contributions for themselves and for the employees of familjes. PRA unpaid employer in this case play the role of agent kontributitTarifa tatimor. Tarifa is currently contributions:
Gross salary is the contribution of self-employed persons punedhenesePer for his family members who are employed the contributions ekontributeve Jot calculated on the size of the minimum wage was determined by DCM
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